The Plan to Protect® Team is happy to discuss with you any questions, comments, concerns or inquires you may have.
Contact us at:
Office: 905-642-4693
Toll-Free: 1-877-455-3555
Fax: 905-642-2475
Mailing Address:
Plan to Protect®
117 Ringwood Dr.
Unit #11
Stouffville, ON
L4A 8C1

"Don't turn your face away. Once you've seen, you can no longer act like you don't know. Open your eyes to the truth. It's all around you. Don't deny what the eyes to your soul have revealed to you. Now that you know, you cannot feign ignorance. Now that you're aware of the problem, you cannot pretend you don't care. To be concerned is to be human. To act is to care." - Vashti Quiroz-Vega