PlanToProtect App
Plan to Protect® provides the HIGHEST STANDARD of abuse prevention and protection to organizations and individuals servicing the vulnerable sector. Whether you are working with children, youth, vulnerable adults, the elderly, or those with disabilities our desire is to help you protect others. The PlanToProtect app provides the BEST PRACTICES of the best-selling Plan to Protect® manual and our four pocket guides directly to the palm of your hands for easy and accessible access.
With the PlanToProtect App you’ll have access to:
- Our BEST PRACTICES for children, youth, and vulnerable adult programming
- A ratio calculator - quickly discover the number of leaders you need
- Forms which can be emailed and filled out in-app
- A journal for quick note taking
- Up-to-date state/provincial/territory reporting guidelines and phone numbers
- Incident reports and suspected abuse report forms
- Access to our FAQs, and much more
Plan to Protect® is now used by over 7500 organizations, schools, churches, NGOs, care facilities and camps globally. It is an excellent tool to place in the hands of volunteers, staff, family members and leaders.
10 Reasons Why You Should Download the App
- Answers: The PlanToProtect app puts everything you need right in the palm of your hands. In an emergency – check the app! Have a question – check the app! Need a form – check the app! Need a phone number to report abuse – check the app!
- Ratio Calculator: The ratio calculator makes it easy to calculate the minimum number of personnel required for mixed age groups.
- No pen required: Fill out all those incident reports, fill them out quick and easily on your phone and email it to your supervisor.
- Easily email forms: Did a parent, volunteer or child forget their registration form, letter of consent for transportation, letter of informed consent? Easily email the forms right from the app.
- Mentoring or counselling: Jot down some notes in the journal section to keep track of to do lists, follow ups, and mentoring sessions.
- Call for help: Find the number for child protective services, national child abuse hotlines, and emergencies for your specific province/state/territory and call right from the app.
- Location specific reporting guidelines: Select your province, state or territory and find location specific reporting guidelines, duty to report, age of a child protected under the law, and statutes of limitation.
- 4 for 1: Receive the content from all 4 pocket guides (children, youth, vulnerable adult, and disability protection) for the price of 1. That’s a savings of over $30!
- New updates: Coming soon we’ll be releasing even more content for the app including resources for trainers and administrators, more best practices, more fillable forms, a search function and a print function.
- Best Practices: Look through a list of our Best Practices and recommended procedures.
If you have questions or to give feedback about the PlanToProtect App, please contact us at