
About Us

At Plan to Protect®, our priority is abuse prevention and vulnerable sector protection. 

Our vision is Safe Communities Everywhere!

With our clients and members, we are committed to protecting children, youth and vulnerable adults.  CLICK HERE to read our Commitment to Protection! Will you join us? 

By equipping your team with effective and customized policies, procedures, and training, our goal is to make your community a safe one.

Since first writing the first version of Plan to Protect® in 1996, it has become known as the STANDARD of abuse prevention and vulnerable sector protection. Organizations that access our services, and receive training and support from us report significantly increased confidence in their ability to serve the vulnerable sector because gaps in security are simply eliminated.

The sad reality is that abuse in all its forms (physical, sexual, emotional, and neglect) is far too common. Thankfully, organizations can take the right steps to keep the vulnerable sector out of harm’s way. By partnering with Plan to Protect®, organizations of any type or size can help protect children, youth, persons with disabilities, and the elderly from all types of abuse.

Whether you represent a camp, school, daycare, club, retirement facility, church, or any other organization that works with the vulnerable sector, Plan to Protect® can help you to protect your community.

Our services include customized policies and procedures, risk assessment, strategic planning, fast-tracked criminal record checks, community support, training, and much more! We are ready to help you to reach your goal of creating a safe community, regardless of the size of your organization.

Not only can Plan to Protect® help you stay current with abuse prevention standards, but our support community is a constantly growing database of resources, information, and ongoing learning. Click here to learn more about our membership programs.

Plan to Protect® will help your organization to meet the highest STANDARD of vulnerable sector protection. Our enthusiastic team is ready to help you and your team to develop your Plan to Protect®.

Plan to Protect® is incorporated under the name Winning Kids Inc.

Plan To Protect - Association from Plan to Protect® on Vimeo.

Types of Organizations We Serve: 

  • After School Programs

  • Athletic Clubs and Teams

  • Businesses Working with Children

  • Camps

  • Charities

  • Churches

  • Community Centres

  • Daycares

  •  Libraries

  • Missions/Global Organizations

  • Retirement Facilities

  • Schools

  • Universities

  • Municipalities

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