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  • Jul18Thu

    Help! Our insurance company has cancelled our abuse coverage!

    July 18, 2024 Melodie Bissell

    I feel your pain!  Twenty-five years ago, I was the Executive Director of a charity, and our insurance company notified me that they would not continue our abuse coverage as we were not meeting their requirements to qualify for coverage.  I can assure you that it was not due to a claim or any historical abuse that we were aware of, but...

  • A Mother’s Reflection

    Ten things I did right as a mother, Ten things I wish I had done better! May 10, 2024 Melodie Bissell

    As I write this article, it is 6:00 a.m., and I am sitting in a guest house on the coast of Kenya. For the first time in six years our family has come together from our different corners of the world for a holiday.  Here I am grandmama, and mama!  Two names that I adore! Each moment with my family is precious.

    The house is quiet, so I...

  • Mar4Mon

    AI and Child Pornography

    March 4, 2024 Telios Law

    Confronting AI-Generated Child Sexual Abuse Material

    Science fiction is pretty annoying. It keeps coming up with new ideas, like AI, which then become reality and change the world for everybody. In many ways, AI promises to improve our world. In others, it brings new risks and threats. Typically, when Americans think “Threats from...

  • Psychological safety in churches, charities, and businesses is of paramount importance, as it creates an environment where your people feel comfortable expressing themselves, sharing ideas, and taking risks without fear of retribution or harm. Addressing psychological safety is an important component of safeguarding children, youth, vulnerable...

  • Sep21Thu

    Who is caring for whom?

    Can we not learn from tragedy that other’s experience? September 21, 2023 Melodie Bissell

    I have spent much time over the last decade considering the term Duty of Care, as it relates to safeguarding the vulnerable sector. 

    The concept of duty of care identifies the relationship that exists between two persons (e.g. two individuals, an individual and an organization) and establishes the obligations that one owes the other, in...

  • Aug21Mon

    The Role and Responsibility of Members at Large

    August 21, 2023 Melodie Bissell
    Filed Under:
    Vulnerable Sector

    Members at large, also known as at-large members, typically refer to individuals who are part of the committee but do not hold specific officer positions or titles. They serve as general members and often play important roles in decision-making, oversight, and providing diverse perspectives. Given your involvement with Plan to Protect® and your desire to prevent abuse, you might find it interesting to know that members at large can play a crucial role in ensuring accountability and transparency within organizations, especially those focused on abuse prevention.

  • Jul25Tue

    How to be an AWESOME trainer in 5 easy steps

    July 25, 2023 Mollie Sitwell

    First, I must confess that when I became a certified trainer with Plan to Protect® in 2013, I was fairly certain that the company wouldn't be in business for long. I was confident that people would learn to do better through the training and would thus put this small company out of business in no time flat. I could not have been more wrong! Today, more than ever, we need to train people on abuse prevention and protection as child, youth, and vulnerable adult abuse reports seem to be multiplying exponentially! The work that our certified trainers do is critically important. It is thrilling to have people delivering our abuse prevention training worldwide! We should not be discouraged that things do not seem to be changing on a global level as we can be confident that we are making a difference in our own little corners of the world one training at a time!

  • Jul24Mon

    Whose responsibility, is it? (Plan to Protect® Trainers)

    July 24, 2023 Melodie Bissell

    A qualified trainer will deliver training to leadership, volunteers and staff that work with or engage with the vulnerable sector. They are committed to training in a classroom setting to ensure comprehension and engagement with the material. Every Plan to Protect® Trainer provides abuse prevention, prevention, and protection (reporting and response) in their training. This formula elevates the content from just a list of do’s and don’ts to inspiring training that helps the learner understand the big picture. 

  • Jul20Thu

    The Sound of Freedom. We God’s children are not for sale!

    July 20, 2023 Mollie Sitwell

    For the very first time in my life, I attended a movie alone. I tried to bring someone along. I invited five different people, in fact. Finally, I resigned myself to the fact that no one else was interested, so I grabbed my box of Kleenex and watched what would end up being a life-changing film!

  • We are often asked the question, whose responsibility, is it? In our newsletters over the next few months, we will be offering a series on “Whose responsibility, is it?”